Research report

Report about the finished work of the Fish Faunistical Workgroup, in 1999

    The fish faunistical research of the waters of the Őrség was finished by a final report at the start of the year. The resoults were presented at the XXIII. Piscatorial Scientific Consultation, which appeared in print since then.

    The workgroup handed in an application about the "Fish faunistical research of the Dráva-Mura river-systems". As the application was accepted we started the work in May. Seven Gobio uranoscopus were caught near Letenye. We thought that time, that these fish were drifted by the floodings from the Slovenian section of the river Mura. The occuring of this species was not known from the Slovenian part of the Mura, so its Hungarian occuring has got a big importance. The surveying started at the river Dráva at autumn. The researches started at the section in Baranya county, where two new species were found never known from the Dráva before, near Matty village. One individual of the Alburnoides bipunctatus and the Neogobius fluviatilis were found. The Cottus gobio and the Barbatula barbatula also had been caught near Révfalu, in Baranya county. The occuring of the Cottus gobio was known from the river (MAJER, 1998), but the selfsupporting population of this species only known from the Szigetköz. That species was found near Barcs too. The Barbatula barbatula was not found before in the Hungarian section of the river Dráva. The Zingel streber was found in the river Mura, which also was not known from the Hungarian section of this river. Occuring of fifty species was proved from the river Mura, untill that time. The resoults were published in the journal Halászat.
(Gobio uranoscopus)
Researches were done in the Kiskunsag National Park too. The occuring of the Umbra crameri was successfully proved from more new places. Our database based on archive datas had to be developed, so we had 7000 records filled up untill that time. The collection of the archive datas continued.
We would like to thank the help with the developing of the database to Fazekas Edit (Körös-Maros National Park, Szarvas) and Gáspár Attila (Duna-Dráva National Park, Pécs).
(Neogobius fluviatilis)
This way we would like thank the help with the surveying to: Bíró István (Körös-Maros National Park, Szarvas), Burai Péter (Debrecen), Daczóné T. Hajnalka (Duna-Dráva National Park, Pécs),
dr. Juhász Lajos (DATE, Debrecen), Erős Tibor (MTA Danube Research Station, Göd),
Fenyősi László (Duna-Dráva National Park, Pécs), Horváth Jenő (Balaton-felvidéki National Park, Zalaegerszeg), ifj. Orcsik Tibor (Szarvas),
Kapocsi István (Hortobágyi National Park, Debrecen),
Kapocsi Judit (Körös-Maros National Park, Szarvas),
Király Angéla & Király Gergely (Sopron), Lengyel Péter (HAKI, Szarvas),
Makra Dezső (Körös-Maros National Park, Szarvas),
Palkó Sándor (Balaton-felvidéki National Park, Zalaegerszeg),
Sallai R. Benedeknek (NIMFEA Natureconservation Association, Túrkeve),
Stejer Szabolcs (Tótszerdahely), Stix József (Duna-Dráva National Park, Pécs), Svélecz György (Tótszerdahely), Tóth Tamás (Körös-Maros National Park, Szarvas), Vajda Zoltán (Kiskunsági National Park, Kecskemét).

We also would like to thank the material help of the supporters: Ministry of Environmentprotection, Ministry of Agriculture and Region Developing, Independent Ecological Center, KAC "h" fund.

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