
- The nature conservation purposed surveying of the West-Mátra, in 1998

One of the most important professional activity of the Phlomis tuberosa Nature conservation Group was the nature conservation purposed surveying of the West-Mátra, in 1998. In this program the hill, called Pásztói-Mátra, from Mátrakeresztes to Szurdokpüspöki and the foot of the Mátra hill was surveyed. Only botanical and ornithological surveys were done about 15 years before in this region. Behind the continuing of the botanical and ornithological surveying, entomological researhes were done. We had the opportunity to collect insects from other parts of the region, just like from the Cserhátalja and the southern part of the Cserhát, so importants datas were get.

- The nature conservation purposed surveying of the West-Mátra, in 1999

The nature conservation purposed surveying of the non-protected areas in the West-Márta has been done for more years by us. Surveyings for different habitat-types, the flora and fauna also had been done in 1999. The Curved-crag near Pásztó was entirely unknown area, from the viewpoint of the nature conservation. A very diverse habitat complex, silicate-rock-lawn slopesteppe-scrubforest can be found here. The next protected plant species live here: Iris pumila, Poa pannonica subsp. scabra, Carduus collinus, Inula oculus-Christi, Pulsatilla grandis, Pulsatilla pratensis subsp. nigricans, Centaurea sadleriana, Asyneuma canescens.